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Showing posts from March, 2011

Fig, rocket and basil salad with goats cheese and prosciutto

This is the most simple salad to make and the combination of the basil, goats cheese, fig and prosciutto is amazing. Another nice thing to do is turn it into a canape by quartering the figs, putting a small dollop of goats cheese on, season, add a basil leaf and wrap in prosciutto. serves 5/6 as a Starter 1 bag Rocket 2 tubs of soft goats cheese/goats curd 1 Bunch of Basil 1 pack of Prosciutto/Parma ham 10 Figs For the dressing I just make a basic vinaigrette with a little bit of mustard, balsamic vinegar, olive oil and a squeeze of lemon. And for the final touch you can either buy a bottle of balsamic reduction or make it yourself by boiling it in a pan until it becomes thicker, but still runny enough to squeeze through a bottle. Then do a swirl over and around the salad.

Chocolate Mousse

I stupidly gave up chocolate for lent but had some friends over for dinner so thought I would torture myself by feeding them this delicious chocolate mousse! Serves 4 225g good quality dark chocolate broken up 70g butter in pieces 350ml double cream 2 large eggs 1 tablespoon of Amaretto 2 tablespoons of honey Slowly melt the chocolate and butter in a bowl over simmering water, when melted remove off the heat. In a separate bowl, semi whip the cream until soft peaks but no further. In a third bowl whisk the eggs and honey until light and fluffy, around 5 mins. Then fold the Amaretto into the eggs along with the melted chocolate and cream. Fold gently so not to lose too much air and when it is all mixed together pour into wine glasses or a big bowl that you can later spoon out. Chill in the fridge for at least an hour before serving.