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Showing posts with the label jamie olivers guinea fowl with pomegranate

Guinea Fowl with Spinach and Pomegranate

This is a really simple and tasty recipe, great if you have people over for dinner as everything is pretty much done ahead. Serves 6 6 Guinea Fowl breasts..can also use chicken supremes or pheasant breasts, must have skin on! 1 tub ricotta Bunch of Thyme 2 Bags Spinach 1 Pomegranate, seeds only 1 Glass of white wine Preheat your oven to 200˚C Trim your breasts of any extra fat, peel back the skin on one side to create a pouch to put your filling in. Take the leaves off the thyme and finely chop them, mix in with the ricotta, salt and pepper. Stuff  about 2 teaspoons of the ricotta mix under the skin and smooth the skin down on the side to help stop it from squeezing out, season genourously. Get a pan nice and hot and fry the breasts skin side down until they are a really good golden brown all over, then flash fry for a few seconds on the other side just to seal them. Place in a deep oven tray with the glass of wine poured over. They take around 15-20 mins to cook, so when you think you