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What to make with leftovers

I just bought myself a George Foreman grill and it has opened up a whole load more of cooking possibilities, mainly toasting but still very exciting. My friend Lizzie said I should write a cookbook on what to do with what's left in the fridge and today was one of those moments where I had a bunch of random leftover stuff and managed to make an epic lunch. So here is my first addition to making lovely leftovers. 1 wrap or baguette/pitta/sliced bread A handful of salad leaves Half and onion Bits of leftover veg, red pepper, aubergine, courgette, tomato etc Any fresh herbs leftover meat, chicken, lamb, beef, ham, bacon Any melty cheese The moist maker, sour cream, creme fraiche, tomato sauce, pickle, mayo, mustard, pesto, chili sauce, yogurt So get all your random bits from your fridge out together. Fry up any meat, vegetables, onions until soft, go crazy and add some chili flakes, spices or left over pesto or sauce. Put your wrap or whatever vessel you have chosen on a plate and chuc