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Showing posts from March, 2012

Rainbow Cake

I have been wanting to make this cake for AGES!! I saw it on a blog I follow called flourishing foodie and it looked like the funnest cake ever, so I made it for my friend Phil's surprise 30th birthday which we had at Santo an amazing fun mexican on Portabello. It did take about a day making all six layers, I even had to go out and by an extra cake tin or it really would have taken forever. After about 4 bottles of food colouring...voila! Unfortunalely food colouring tastes grosse so licking the bowl almost made me barf. So to cover up all the E numbers I made a ginormous bowl of cream cheese frosting to spread between all the layers and all over which must have worked as everyone liked it, or maybe it was all the margaritas and tequilas numbing the taste buds. The most scary part was once I finished it I had to drive it down the road to the restaurant, being quite an eratic blonde driver I was sure it was going to fly through the windscreen at some point, but I managed to keep it ...