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Showing posts from October, 2019

Salted chocolate fudge brownies with raw chocolate icing

The last week my kitchen has turned into a raw vegan dessert experimental mess. I'm eating ice cream cakes for breakfast which is awesome and they are not even the slightest bit bad for you! It's way too much fun playing around with recipes, especially because unlike normal baking, nothing is going in the oven, so no more hot kitchen, burns on my hands or black cakes in the oven, just a bit of music, dancing and mess. My friends have been teasing me about the new veganism, especially because living in a ski resort the local diet is a whole load of melted cheese, bread and meat. I will have to come to terms with the fact that I am going to be blacklisted from all dinner invites in the future. However, I have been feeding them my experiments and trying to make some new recruitments. So far I have almost made one and had lots of requests for this delicious very naughty looking chocolate brownie recipe from This Rawsome vegan life so here it is! Good luck trying to not eat the mixt

Chocolate and almond butter cups

So this summer I have been turning into a bit of a hippy and trying veganism, vegetarianism and eating a more raw diet. I can't say I'm a total convert yet which was made obvious last night when I ate a moo but that was just a small relapse! My latest craze has been experimenting with funky vegan desserts using new ingredients like raw cacao butter, coconut oil and lots of dates and nuts. If you have tried raw chocolate before you have probably become a little bit obsessed, it's all creamy and amazing, not even that much like normal chocolate, more like rich chocolate mousse without the naughty stuff in it..phew! However out in the mountains it is totally impossible to get, I have one pack of cacao butter and I have a feeling it's going to be gone pretty swiftly with this new recipe. You will need to go to an organic health foods shop like wholefoods to find the raw cacao powder and butter. makes 5/6 mini cupcakes 1/4 cup raw organic cacao butter melted 1/4 cup raw orga