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Showing posts from June, 2013

Chilli and rosemary scrambled eggs with avocado

The weekend is almost here and that means brunch! I have been trying out new recipes from Denis Cotters book "For the love of food" and he has got all kinds of yummy healthyish brunch ideas. This is a really delicious take on traditional scrambled eggs and much fresher and healthier...oh and summery too! serves 2 sourdough or ciabatta sliced and toasted 1 avocado sliced drizzle olive oil 5 eggs, whisked in a bowl 1 small stalk of rosemary finely chopped half a chilli finely chopped 2 tbsps butter salt and pepper Chop up the rosemary and chilli and gently fry on a low heat with half the butter in a medium saucepan for a few minutes. Add the eggs and stir it all together, keep stirring until it is cooked as you like it. Stir in a little extra lump of butter for super creaminess and pour onto the toast. Serve the avocado on the side with salt, pepper a drizzle of olive oil and a squeeze of lemon. I recommend eating it in the sun with a glass of fresh orange juice which is probab

River cafe polenta, almond and lemon cake

This week has been a bit up and down with the weather, lots of rain and then an absolute scorcher yesterday in the 30˚s. Yesterday was an especially good day because not only did I get a little bit less pasty but I also stood up on my surfboard about 10 times!! I did almost die about twice getting absolutely smashed by waves and ended up with my hair looking a bit like a loo brush but very happy!! Since the weather has been crappy I made a huge cake, and I think this could be my newest most favourite cake I have ever made. I have been trawling through my River cafe books and there is so much amazing stuff so since I have all kinds of great ingredients on my door step I am going to go nuts and try loads this month. Serves 12 450g unsalted butter, softened 450g caster sugar 450g ground almonds 2 teaspoons good vanilla essence 6 free range eggs zest of 4 lemons juice of 1 lemon 225g polenta flour or fine semolina 1 1/2  teaspoons baking powder 1/4 teaspoon of salt Preheat the oven to 160˚

Green bean, petit pois and broad bean salad with lemon zest and garlic oil

After spending the winter in the snowy mountains I am now in south west France right by the beach. Life is good! We have been biking around and running on the beach and so far we have surfed, sunbathed, sprained one ankle, not mine this time thankfully, seen a very thin green snake, eaten the best mussels in the world, drunk lots of wine, spoken very bad alcohol fuelled french and shopped at the local fish and veggie markets...tres bon! It has been pretty boiling the last few days so I decided to make a fairly labour intensive salad to take to my friend Mhairi's bbq, a great excuse to spend the afternoon soaking up the sun and podding peas. The down side about this salad is that even if you pod a big bag of peas and broad beans it doesn't make enough to feed a big bunch of bbq folks, I bulked mine up after with quinoa which was really delicious, you could also use pretty bow pasta or if you want to keep it green add sugar snap peas too. The flavour is very fresh and clean with