I saw these pops on a blog a while ago and they looked so fun and cute so I had to make them. You don't have to use brownie you could do whatever you like. Chocolate biscuit cake ones would be good, or just thought of doing cheesecake balls and rolling them in biscuit, that would be amazing! Apparently people do cake ones but I read a recipe where it says you make the cake and then crumble it and squish it back together which absolutely doesn't work. You just need to have something that will go hard in the fridge or freezer so the sticks stay on. They would be amazing for a kids party, a sweet canapé or just a funny different way of serving pudding. I have had a plumber here fixing some leak all day who must of thought I was mad covered in icing and sprinkles all over the place, but he was very impressed with them and said they were delicious. He still hasn't fixed the leak though, maybe hanging around in hope of another one. makes about 35 pops You need Brownies Icing suga...